This Saturday night is the 3rd Annual {RE}Happening! I've been secluded in my apartment for the last 24 hours prepping a bunch of substrates that will be used for my piece, Shooting Gallery.
Using implements like these:

The crowd will be helping me finish paintings like these:

I have 8 in all that need to be completed and they're pretty big. I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but if you're in attendance please find me and give it a shot. I'll be set up at the firing range near the tennis courts. (Yes, there's a firing range out there.)
Using implements like these:

The crowd will be helping me finish paintings like these:

I have 8 in all that need to be completed and they're pretty big. I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but if you're in attendance please find me and give it a shot. I'll be set up at the firing range near the tennis courts. (Yes, there's a firing range out there.)
The paint I'm using is non-toxic and washable just in case you're worried about mussing up your swagger. I will have smocks and goggles and gloves too.
I'm very sad I missed this.